Host Resistance

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post-doctoral opening in sugar beet genetics, USDA-ARS, Kimberly (ID)

  • 1.  post-doctoral opening in sugar beet genetics, USDA-ARS, Kimberly (ID)

    Posted 12-08-2022 12:42

    We have a post-doctoral opening (USAJOBS - Job Announcement) in our sugar beet program. The incumbent will work on the genetics of sugar beet host resistance against diverse pathogens and other yield attributes. Our team is highly innovative, dynamic, collaborative, and joyful in nature. We work closely with our industry partners and stake holders. Kimberly/Twin Falls area is a beautiful place to live. Surrounded by lush green agricultural lands, beautiful snow-capped mountains, lakes, and forests that attract tourists from all over the world. Come and join us to be a part of this exciting community!

    Best regards,

    Raj Majumdar, Ph.D.

    Research Plant Pathologist

    United States Dept. of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS)

    Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research

    3793 N. 3600 E. (Room: 106)

    Kimberly, ID 83341-5076


    Office: 208-423-6517

    Cell: 603-978-1396 (best no. to contact)

    Rajtilak Majumdar
    Research Plant Pathologist
    Kimberly ID